

Brow Henna Professional Set

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Introducing Mayamy Brow Henna our world’s first Henna Product in natural Nano Capsules.

Our Technologists have found a successful solution not only to preserve the original quality of the Henna, but this Henna will revolutionise our Brow Industry.

With deeper colour enhancements, smoother and creamer application giving a definite skin stain.

Professional products and in salon treatment. Containing no lead or ammonia.

Mayamy Brow Henna begins by firstly prepping the skin with a Cleanser, Exfoliating the brows allowing for great skin staining, Shampooing the brows to allow for deeper deposit of Henna colour that will last!

Finishing off the brows with a Conditioner and a Fixative to keep brows looking fabulous.

Mayamy Brow Henna offer 4 colours, Deep Natural colours, Light Brown, Classic Brown, Dark Brown and Deep Black.

The henna effect is visible up to 7 weeks on the Brow hair and the powdered skin staining effect up to 1 week on the skin.

We are so excited to get this range on the market, including our new Mayamy eyelash lamination, the new Mayamy eyebrow perming and the new Protein botox for lash and brow reconstruction.

Master Kit:

Each Henna jar contains 30 capsules (6 grams) of henna in one colour, which is sufficient for 30 – 90 procedures, and a measuring cup for mixing.

Lasting up to a week on the skin, the duration of the effect depends on the individual characteristics of the skin. Lasting up to 7 weeks on the brow hair.

Kit Contents:

  • Brow Henna – 30 capsules Deep Black
  • Brow Henna – 30 capsules Classic Brown
  • Brow Henna – 30 capsules Dark Brown
  • Brow Henna – 30 capsules Light Brown
  • Brow Henna – Mineral Aqua 30 ml
  • Brow Henna – Eyebrow Shampoo 30 ml
  • Brow Henna – Eyebrow Conditioner 30 ml
  • Brow Henna – Eyebrow Zone Gel 10 g
  • Brow Henna – Fixative Lotion 30 ml
  • Angled Brush Classic
  • Glass dish 10 ml
  • Black Cosmetic bag

Does not contain lead and ammonia.


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