Caron Lab

Caron Lab Caron Spatula Maxi 500pk
$18.00 $36.00
Caron Lab Superbond Strips 300pk
$12.45 $24.90
Caron Lab Spa Lotion 300ml
$5.50 $11.00
Caron Lab Milano Mitt Light Yellow
$6.48 $12.95
Caron Lab Reusable Spatula 5pk
$9.98 $19.95
Caron Lab Paraffin Mitten - Pair
$12.50 $25.00
Caron Lab Hydro 2 Oil Warm UP 1L
$14.00 $28.00

Since 1979, Caronlab Australia has been dedicated to helping create better salons by delivering superior waxing products.

Caronlab are more than just wax; they are the experience that embodies knowledge, reliability and performance, making them the number one choice for beauty therapists. Tested and developed by beauty therapists, for beauty therapists.

As one of the leading wax manufacturers Caronlab recognises their responsibility to minimise our footprint on the earth and make sure all products are produced in a humane and sustainable way.


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