Paul Mitchell

Paul Mitchell Wipe Out 250ml
$16.50 $33.00
Paul Mitchell The Conditioner 300ml
$11.98 $23.95
Paul Mitchell Paul Mitchell Colorways
$10.98 $21.95
Paul Mitchell Apron Color PM professional
$10.98 $21.95
Paul Mitchell Cream Developer 40 Vol 946ml
$10.98 $21.95
Paul Mitchell Mitch Double Hitter 250ml
$10.50 $21.00
Paul Mitchell Mitch Reformer 85g
$10.50 $21.00
Paul Mitchell Mitch Matterial 85g
$10.50 $21.00
Paul Mitchell Mitch Clean Cut 85g
$10.50 $21.00
Paul Mitchell Volumizing Liquid 100ml
$10.00 $20.00
Paul Mitchell Super Sculpt 250ml
$9.98 $19.95
The Demi
Paul Mitchell The Demi
$7.70 $15.40
Paul Mitchell Color Shots Orange 60ml
$7.50 $15.00
Paul Mitchell Color Shots Yellow 60ml
$7.50 $15.00
Paul Mitchell Styling Brush 407
$7.50 $15.00
Paul Mitchell T3N Dark Neutral Flash Back
$7.00 $14.00
Paul Mitchell POP XG Reducer 20ml foils
$6.00 $12.00

Over 25 years ago, two friends had a vision to found a company by hairdressers for hairdressers one that would provide tools of success for the entire beauty industry. Today, their vision has become a reality with Paul Mitchell growing into the largest privately held beauty company in the world. Their commitment to creating quality professional haircare products has never wavered.

Paul Mitchell was started in the early 1980 by two friends. Paul Mitchell launched as a professional hair care system around a revolutionary new styling method hair sculpting. They established a partnership, which eventually became known as Paul Mitchell Systems.

Paul Mitchell is devoted to making the world a better place by working to ensure the company follows earth-friendly policies and strategies. Paul Mitchell was the first company to publicly oppose animal testing; they harvest their botanical ingredients without harm to the environment and use giant colour panels to harness the sun energy on their Awapuhi Farm on the North Shore of Hawaii.

Paul Mitchell systems are the most recognised professional manufacturer of salon products worldwide. Their pure and natural ingredients are tested by hairdressers, never on animals. They have an underlying commitment to the professional beauty industry to offer high performance hair care.


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