
Vani-T VANI-T Beauty Bag
$5.50 $11.00

VANI-T is an award-winning, luxury natural tanning, makeup and wellness company and an international success story, founded on a heart centred vision and the purest natural ingredients in the world. Each product is meticulously created with you in mind, often taking 50+ attempts to achieve the perfect formula.

Established in 2004, the company and its products have been developed through innovation and an unwavering commitment to purity, luxury and quality. VANI-T is now available in over 15,000 stockists worldwide in more than 15 countries and used by over 14 million beauties.

In 2004, mother of 3 - Tania Walsh, began by making products in her kitchen and launched the world’s first natural tanning solution to market. Today, the range has since expanded to include cruelty free and vegan* professional spray tan solutions, self tan, makeup and wellness.


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