
Kenzina Kenzina Face Rollers
Kenzina Kenzina Plumping Lip Masks
$19.50 $39.00

As a skincare brand on a sustainability mission, Kenzina exists to create professional, Australian-based, ethically made skincare products in sustainable packaging for use in the comfort of your home, salon or spa.

Unlike other eye and lip masks on the market, Kenzina Rejuvenating Eye Masks, come in a recyclable container consisting of 30 pairs, and Kenzina Plumping Lip Masks, coming in recyclable containers consisting of 24 sets, free of any wasteful individual packaging.  Not only is the packaging sustainable, but the masks contain no harmful ingredients and completely dissolve in water.

During November 2021 Kenzina launched the Instant Glow Face Mask which is Australia’s first 100% biodegradable face masks in 100% biodegradable packaging.

Kenzina also introduced freezable and reusable face and eye gel ice packs to depuff and refresh the skin and to add an extra kick and a wake-me-up, or to refresh tired skin togehter with our existing products

With some new products in development, there is plenty more sustainable skincare yet to come with a plan for the Kenzina brand to cover a large range of skin care needs.


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