
Brow Xenna

BrowXenna Oxygen O_ Diluter

4 items left

OXYGEN O2 Clear shade diluter works on ON/OFF Skin technology. This means that it allows you to adjust the degree of permeability of the dye into the skin surface.
This product allows a master to create more than 1000 new shades!

Diluter is not a coloring or brightening product, it can only be used to mix with basic colors.

How to use: mix the dye with a diluter to a uniform consistency, then add a cream-activator (in a 1:1 ratio).

OXYGEN O2 is a gentle system of the smart coloring of brows and eyelashes. It is a non-ammonia dye based on molecular coloring technologies. The composition of the OXYGEN O2 DYE FOR EYEBROWS AND EYELASHES includes coloring nanomolecules and care complex consisting of oat proteins, liquid silk, panthenol, vitamins, and keratin. The modern formula contributes to stable and even coloring and protects hairs during the coloring process.

Nano Pigment Technology (NPT) allows coloring nanomolecules to penetrate easily into the structure of the hairs, disclosing minimally the cuticular layer, thus ensuring consistent, flawless staining.

• 4 basic shades for any type.
• Nano Pigment Technology (NPT).
• It contains care components.
• Exclusive Italian formula.


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