

Pro Edge Left Handed Cutting Comb Blue 195mm

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The Denman Pro Edge Blue Left Handed Cutting Comb is the ultimate tool for freehand, precise cutting. Designed for left-handed professionals.

The Denman Pro Edge Range are the ultimate tools for freehand cutting; designed by award-winning barber Roger Wigmore.

This range is specially designed to assist stylists and barbers to achieve faster, more accurate cutting. The Pro Edge hair comb features a unique cutting ledge that positions scissors and clippers easily for a smoother, steadier cut. Its ergonomic thumb groove delivers secure grip and comfort for an accurate result. This particular comb is crafted for left-handed professionals.

Pro Edge is designed to prevent inverting, which improves posture and reduces fatigue when cutting.

This range is produced with a carbon fibre additive for enhanced strength and durability, making it ideal for professional use. Eliminate fatigue to create the most accurate, precise finishes with the Denman Pro Edge Left Handed Cutting Comb in Blue.


  • Cutting ledge positions scissors or clippers for a smoother, steadier cut
  • Ergonomic thumb groove delivers secure grip and comfort
  • Designed to prevent inverting, which improves posture and reduces fatigue
  • Made with a carbon fibre additive for enhanced strength and durability
  • Designed for left-handed professionals


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