

RefectoCil Dual Power Lash Perm & Neutralizer

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The NEW Perm+Neutraliser is here! The patented pink power perm containing keratin and cysteine works in just 11 minutes and is suitable for Lash Lift and Brow Lamination. 

This treatment is perfect for those who want a lower maintenance, less time-consuming alternative to lash extensions. The RefectoCil Lash Lift kit includes reusable silicon lash lift pads in three sizes, meaning each treatment can be fully customised for each individual.

The RefectoCil Brow Lamination treatment produces an immediate wow effect resulting in a fuller more ‘lifted’ appearance. Brows appear more defined as hairs are given a semi-permanent shape.

Brow Lamination is especially suitable for unruly, stubborn brows as the hairs are softened and stabilised. Gaps in the brows are hidden and hairs can be easily shaped, styled and secured.

To Use:

  • Lash Perm processing time: 6 minutes
  • Neutraliser processing time: 5 minutes

This refill is designed to be used with the RefectoCil Curl and Lift kits. Each tube is 3.5ml. 

For best results, lashes and brows should be prepped with RefectoCil Micellar Eye Makeup Remover and RefectoCil Saline Solution.

This solution refill is designed for professional salon use. Please read all instructions before treatment.


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