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Jax Wax

Browsie Eyebrow Hot Wax 500g

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This hot wax for brows has been specially formulated at the request of many of our brow artists.

The brief for the exclusive eyebrow hot wax was to develop a wax that is easy to apply, can be seen clearly, making precise brow shaping possible and minimise the pain associated with hair removal.

Formulated with a subtle Jasmine scent, you can bring some magic to your Brow Bar. This wax will make brow and facial waxing a breeze and is sure to raise your brow game to another level.

Formulated with the highest quality synthetic resins this hot wax was made to sit perfectly alongside our much loved Browsie strip wax.

Although our brief was to develop a hot wax for brows, many therapists will also find this a fantastic wax for facial hot waxing.

Browsie hot wax is packaged in a resealable 500g zip lock bag. No more breaking up wax with a hammer. Just pour the required amount into your wax pot.


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