
Brow Xenna

BrowXenna Amber #210

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BrowXenna® Eyebrow Henna in shade #210 Amber Concentrate is not recommended to be applied in it's pure form and it is not intended for colouring. The concentrate is added to warm up colours or when a yellow tint is needed, especially when using blonde colours. It is ideal for achieving a reddish colour or a glow of red. Just a small amount of powder, no more than 20-30% of the main colour will be enough to get the desired effect. Graphite concentrate addition is great for for people with hormonal issues and for people whose henna washes off the skin very quickly.

It's ingredients are based on ground henna leaves and a mixture of herbs and organic compounds for a longer lasting colour retention with an aesthetic effect similar to cosmetic tattooing. Rich palette of natural shades can be used individually or combined with each other. Natural ingredients of BrowXenna® Eyebrow Henna are gentle to damaged and weak hairs, strengthening and providing nourishment with each procedure. It restores eyebrow growth by 60%. 


Vegan-friendly. Never tested on animals. 


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