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Elleebana Lash Lifting Silicone Rods - Small

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Elleebana's high quality silicone rods are coloured for attention to allow salons to stand out in their social images.

These flexible and trim-able silicone rods allow the technician to create the perfect curl with a variety of sizes to choose from. Majority of the lash line will need to extend past the half way point to achieve the desired result.

Being sanitisable and reusable, Elleebana's silicone rods easily keep their shape and can be used again and again. The lightweight and flexible nature of the rod makes them comfortable on the client’s eyes during the procedure and their beautiful shape creates the perfect curl and lift.

Each box of Elleebana silicone rods include five pairs of a single size or our combo-pack includes one pair of each size. 

Product features: 

  • Easy to use
  • Reusable, sanitisable, trim-able,
  • Stick and shape well to the eye


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