
Infinity Hybrid

Infinity Luxe Hybrid Tint

8 items left

Over 12 months in development, The Brow Geek & Microartistry have created the first Luxe Hybrid tint range with all of their Hybrid know how.
7 cream shades that have been lovingly developed with the Brow obsessed in mind, they have taken all the best parts of the hybrid brow products we know and love and used all of their technical knowledge to improve on the parts we know we don’t like.
#1 Coco (Darkest Black)
#2 Tiffany (Blue Black)
#3 Louis (Dark Brown)
#4 Stella (Medium Brown)
#5 Dolce (Lightest Brown)
#6 McQueen (Warm Toner)
#7 Oxford (Ash Toner)
The creamy, nourish loaded formula is suitable for both stand alone Hybrid Brows and is excellent when paired with your chosen Brow Lamination kit.
They have eradicated the need to counter skin undertones, but without losing any of the longevity we come to expect from our favourite Hybrid Tint range.
7-10 days on properly prepared skin & up to 6 weeks on the hair.
As a full brow colour & toning system, you can mix your shades to the desired final result.
And of course, not forgetting the PUMP bottle developer, less waste, more accuracy and no more banging bottles off your shelf to get that last bit of product! AMAZING!
Each Tube can do over 40 sets of brows.


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