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JP Pet

Tea Tree Shampoo 473ml

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Refreshing, Cleansing Shampoo

  • Cleans, moisturises and adds lustre and shine to pet's coats
  • Natural Tea Tree Oil is soothing, moisturising & cooling for hot spots and sensitive skin
  • Recommended for dogs with sensitive skin
  • Effective in treating and preventing topical bacteria and fungal infections
  • Eucalyptus Oil repels insects and parasites
  • Refreshing, calming fragrance
  • Suitable for all dog coat types but recommended for dogs with SHORT or WIRY coats (helps protect against insects) and LONG, DOUBLE or COMBINATION coats 
  • Vegan

Also contains Aloe, hydrolysed Oats, Chamomile and Sweet Almond Oil

16 oz/473ml

Note: Tea Tree Oil is safe for dogs and cats when diluted correctly. All John Paul Pet products have appropriate dilution of Tea Tree Oil for safe use for both cats and dogs.


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