
My Lamination

Katya Vinog - Lash Lift Silicone Palette

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Specially designed unique palette will be your amazing helper in lash lift procedure. It will save you 15 min of each treatment, 4 times less glue use and 2 times less dye and oxidant use.

The palette has 5 sections:

1 - to dispense Step 1 (exact amount needed for 1 application)

2 - to dispense Step 2 (exact amount needed for 1 application)

3 - to dispense Lash Adhesive (due to unique shape of the section, the adhesive glue will not be drying up for up to 1 hour)

4 - to dispense water (great to keep next to the glue to prevent fast drying)

5- - to dispense tint + oxidant (no more product wastage)

Palette is made out of high quality soft silicone. 

Directions: After each use immediately clean with warm water and soap followed by alcohol wash to complete the sanitization.


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