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Mayamy Protein Botex 10ml

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Protein Botex restores and nourishes eyelashes and eyebrows from the inside out.

The Lash Lift has now been reinvented, now introducing a new keratin infused lash enhancement treatment. Who doesn’t want to add more length, more height, more volume, more thickness, and more body.

Collagen: Helps to restore the damaged structure of eyelash and eyebrows and increases their elasticity.

Taramira Oil: The most powerful activator of eyelash and eyebrow. Nourishes and Strengthens the hair follicles. Aids in lash and brow growth.

Tocopherol: Has a rejuvenating and restoring effect.

Panthenol: Nourishes, strengthens, and thickens eyelash and eyebrows, makes them smooth.

Coconut Extract: Has a restoring and protective effect.

Hydrolyzed Keratin: Fills the voids of the hair with proteins, reduces porosity, so that the eyelash and eyebrows acquire shine and elasticity.

Hyaluronic Acid: Provides deep moisturising and nourishing of eyelash and eyebrows, restores the structure of the hair, stimulates growth, protects eyelash and eyebrows from adverse external effects.


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