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Squargonomics Pink Brush 25mm DSQ2

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The Denman DSQ2 Squargonomics Brush uses a square-shaped barrel for straightening and adding volume to the hair.

The Denman DSQ2 25mm Squargonomics Brush revolutionises blow-drying with a square-shaped barrel designed for optimal root lift and smoothing. This barrel has four flat surfaces ideal for straightening the hair. Crimped nylon bristles gently grip and control the hair for improved styling and performance.

These brushes use Thermoceramic Technology to enhance heat retention and distribute it evenly through a ceramic-coated, aluminium vented barrel. This prevents 'hot spots' from appearing, and achieves faster, easier styling free of damage.

DSQ2 features a velvet-touch handle for comfortable, all-day salon use. The 25mm barrel is ideal for short-medium hair. Create a smooth, straight, voluminous finish with the Denman DSQ2 25mm Squargonomics Brush in Black/Pink.


  • Square-shaped barrel with four flat surfaces for optimal root lift and smooth straightening
  • Crimped nylon bristles gently grip and control the hair for improved styling and performance
  • Thermoceramic Technology distributes heat evenly throughout the barrel, preventing 'hot spots'
  • Ceramic-coated, aluminium vented barrel allows greater heat absorption for faster styling
  • Velvet-touch handle creates comfortable, all-day salon use
  • 25mm barrel for short-medium hair


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